6 Budget-Friendly Ways to Scare Off Burglars
Living in a beautiful, tranquil neighborhood makes crime a lot less likely–but there’s nothing out there that can make it impossible. Criminals often diligently seek out neighborhoods where people are likely to have the most expensive goods for them to steal. We’ve all heard about burglars who take weeks toContinue Reading
5 Secrets Your Contractor Doesn’t Want You to Know
If you’re planning a home improvement project, you’re probably considering many different contractors, and wondering how in the world you will choose the right one. Some renovation projects run like a dream, but the wrong contractor can lead you down a road paved with delays, mistakes, and headaches. Picking a qualityContinue Reading
Make Small Spaces Feel Bigger in Your Home
If you love your cozy little home, you’d probably love it even more if it didn’t feel quite so small. Whether it’s your first home or your post-retirement downsize, you have lots of options for making your small spaces feel bigger. Here are some of our favorite ideas to getContinue Reading
Removing Wallpaper Without Losing Your Mind
Removing wallpaper is a fun, simple home improvement task that always goes to plan and… just kidding. While wallpaper can certainly look great after it goes up, removing wallpaper is generally pretty frustrating even under the best of circumstances. There may not be a magic secret to removing wallpaper with ease, butContinue Reading