The perfect closet may be nothing but an illusion especially if you are resigned to city life. It may not be convenient for you, but a few creative hacks can transform your small closet into your ideal storage space. We know a few clever changes that will make the bestContinue Reading

Many of us accept whatever window treatments already exist in the houses we buy. But think about it: Your windows conduct natural light and are the framework for what may be a beautiful view. Maybe “window dressing” should have a more important role in homes. Using or Losing Natural LightContinue Reading

Are Swimming Pools Worth it? Surely we don’t have to tell you all the benefits of owning a swimming pool. From hosting great backyard get-togethers to the ability to take a dip anytime you want, the benefits of having an in-ground pool at your house are self-apparent. What some homeownersContinue Reading