12 Tips for Organizing Our Home

Your home is where your life happens. Your home is also where you happen to have every piece of clothing, every birthday gift and nearly every purchase that you’ve made over the last few years.

Organizing all of these items can seem like an overwhelming task, especially when all of life’s other responsibilities seem to get in the way. Thankfully, tidying up around the house can be accomplished in a stress-free way with these 12 simple home organization tips.

  1. Break down this large project into small chunks.
    Do you have an entire day to organize your home? Neither do we.  The best way to tackle this project is to divide it into mini-projects that you can integrate into your schedule. When do you have time available to focus on your home? Even if you only have 10 minutes per day, you can organize your home within a few minutes just by concentrating on one small area.
  2. Finish the task you start before beginning a new one.
    There are distractions aplenty when you’re organizing your home and with those distractions comes the temptation to stop what you’re doing and focus on other tasks. Nip this idea in the bud and make sure you always finish what you started before moving on.
  3. Get rid of what you can.
    Everyone has a pile of items that sit unused for years in the closet or drawer. Purge this clutter from your home and make sure you save that space for efficient storage.
  4. Don’t buy more until you know where it’s stored. 
    Purchasing storage bins to “store your stuff” can instantly create bulky boxes full of clutter. Before adding anything to your home, including storage tools, make sure these items have an organized home.
  5. Ditch your junk drawer.
    It’s called the “junk” drawer for a reason. Cull through it and find real homes for what you need to keep.
  6. Sort wisely.
    If your sock drawer has extra room, it’s okay to store another similar item in there. Though some items should be separated, you can sort two small groups together to manage your spaces wisely.
  7. Eliminate common clutter spots.
    Does your mail stack up on the kitchen counter while your dining room table collects shopping bags or school supplies? Identify these “dump spaces” and find these items a convenient home that won’t create additional clutter.
  8. Clear your mind.
    Stop and breathe. Organizing a home is a mighty task, and it can feel overwhelming at times. Be sure to take breaks to clear your mind and rely on checklists or voice memos to help keep you organized as you organize.
  9. Take your family to task.
    Once you’ve organized a space, make sure your family understands the importance of that area’s organizational system.
  10. Clean out your car.
    If you’ve got a trunk or backseat full of items that belong in the house, find a home for them while you’re organizing instead of waiting until you’re finished. 
  11. Define your spaces.
    Is your workout equipment in the spare bedroom because that’s where you exercise or because it doesn’t have a home? As you define what each space is used for, make sure to clear out items that don’t belong in that designated area.
  12. Don’t overdo it on the labeling.
    A label maker is a great tool but be cautious before your label your entire organizational system. You may need to modify it shortly which will create an unnecessary new labeling project.
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