How to Host a Successful Garage Sale

A garage sale is an ideal way to get rid of clutter, earn extra cash, and make your home look more appealing–especially if you’re listing it for sale. People don’t want to see your kids’ toys or the book you’re reading when they come to an open house. They want to imagine their things in the house. A garage sale can also help you save on moving costs. Instead of paying to move everything you own to your new home, a garage sale will lighten the load of moving plus put money in your pocket.

Here are three pointers to plan your way to a successful garage sale.

  1. Increase Your Curb Appeal
    When you have a yard sale, the front of your home is like the entrance to a conventional store. People may choose not to check out your sale if your yard looks run down or unkempt.

    Taking care of your yard will make your home easier to sell and get you higher prices for your garage sale items. Mow your lawn, remove weeds, and have any cracks in your driveway or your sidewalk repaired. If needed, repaint your siding and your front door. Make sure items like bikes that aren’t for sale are out of sight. If your property is large or you have lots of overgrown trees and shrubs, you can save time by using a landscaping company to trim all your vegetation and plant some appealing flowers.
  2. Advertise
    You can post free classified ads on many websites. Add photos of the items you’re offering if possible. You should also let your friends know about your garage sale through social media and post an ad in your local paper. On the day of the event, add a few signs to your front yard, and put signs around your neighborhood with your address, the time of the sale, and arrows to let people know which way to go.
  3. Organize Your Items
    Sort through your belongings to ensure you don’t inadvertently dispose of anything you want to keep. Then, put the items you want to sell on folding tables or clothing racks, and put the things you want to get rid of most in the front. Dust knickknacks or furniture and wash musty clothing or blankets. Don’t place small items on your lawn or your floor. Most people don’t want to have to bend over to shop, and some people could have trouble reaching objects on the ground. Also, make sure that you have plenty of change and a way to accept payments electronically.

Having a garage sale that’s easy to find with reasonable prices will help you let neighbors know that you’re moving. It can even attract potential buyers. After the garage sale, much of the work you do to prepare will continue to attract people and help you get a higher price for your home.

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